The world through Dan's eye's.....

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Devon Report!!

Well here he is...the DevDog! He had a great summer so far and is looking forward to going back to school. He is going to be playing basketball next year for the first time...and I think he is going to be good! He is really a big helper around the house as well! I think that Devon may be following in his dads profession of computer science!


  • Hey, Devon,

    I'm glad to hear that you are looking forward to going back to school because it's right around the corner. This summer sure did fly by. Basketball, computer science and helping out around the are just a chip off the old block.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/25/2005 10:29 AM  

  • Hey devon .... you are such a big kid and cute too. I love you sweetheart and I sure am happy that you love your family because we all love devon. I can wait to see your basketball practices and games. It be fun!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/31/2005 10:23 PM  

  • Hey now are talking B-Ball right....cause I dont think he needs any help from you on being a

    BURN-{bur-nnn} To make someone look like a total ass but still give them room for a comeback.

    By Blogger Doc Holiday, at 9/01/2005 12:53 PM  

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