The world through Dan's eye's.....

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'm your huckleberry.....

Anyone that knows me....knows that I love the movie Tombstone. This part of my blog will be dedicated to the best movie of all time. I have seen this movie no less that 50 times and will watch it 50 more before I die. Val Kilmer (Doc Holiday) played the best role of his career in this flick! There is no doubt that I like this movie way to much! I am also known to my close poker buddies as Doc. I may have his ability to play cards...but... his kick ass attitude I will never have! With that being said....."Let the final ride of Wyatt Earp and his immortals begin!"


  • LMAO Billy you are like a walking Movie guide! There is never a time you don't amaze me with you ablity to quote word for word any given movie.

    "Why Johny look as though you have seen a ghost...."

    By Blogger Doc Holiday, at 8/26/2005 11:03 PM  

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