The world through Dan's eye's.....

Monday, August 29, 2005

My cold dead hands....

Well I have seen it all! There is now a movement to ban over 30 types of guns IN PA! This comes on the heals of Ed Rendell and his so called "Family Values" tour. You know Ed there is no way in the world that I will let you cater to the heart of your campaign support.....the GHETTO'S of PA. Truth be told you won't be able to hand out that many cigarettes this year pal! Your not taking guns away from the criminals...but honest law abiding citizens! I will give my guns up, when you pry in from my cold-dead-hands! Where has this country gone so wrong...that we forget the reasons our forefathers died for us. The moral backbone of this great country is being painfully pinched by the lowest common denominator in society. Scum like Rendell and his Mafia buddies will find it hard to get any type of ban in this great state....Thanks to people like me! Bring it on ED!

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