The world through Dan's eye's.....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Top 5 things that scare me.....

#5- Prince.....well this is one that I am not proud of. He just creeps me out. His strange clothing and his need to change his name to the symbol....he scares me badly.

#4- Wife beater t-shirts....I mean...who in there right mind is not scared of these shirts! They make even the biggest dork look like a total bad ass! When I see one coming.....I run.

#3- Midgets....why you ask...I don't really know. But I do know this, they are planning to take over the world and we can't hear them because thay are so much shorter than us. They could steal all our shoes...and what the hell would we do???

#2- Saran Warp....that shit could smother you! I mean really....there is no warning on the box but 5 times I found it wrapped around my head.....oh wait that was aluminum foil...never mind!

#1- Mullets....yes I must have had a very bad experience as a child but for some reason a bad mullet send shivers down my spine! There really needs to be a law about the mullet! I mean COME ON that shit is scary...just look at it. Till this very day I can't watch cops for fear of seeing the trailer park episode!


  • wait a minute... I think you had a mullet at one time or another. LOL!!!! I think I have a picture of the mullet days.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/31/2005 10:26 PM  

  • Who would have thought...I find myself agreeing with the majority of comments you've thrown in here. We always got along well while growing up together, but think like you!? Whoa...when did that happen? LOL

    Should I be adding this to my top 5 list?

    Remind me to tell you about the time I had a "run in" with a box of saran wrap. You know the serated edges shouldn't be held close to some very specific parts of the body...if you catch my drift!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/01/2005 2:40 PM  

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