The world through Dan's eye's.....

Friday, September 30, 2005 don't speak for me!

Does this war suck? Does the fact that we have been there so long hurt? Does the fact that our military is so thin hinder our at home clean-up efforts? .........YES!

But with that being said lets look at the another side of this story. We committed ourselves to fighting a war on terror years ago on that faithful September morning and there is a price to pay for that (and YES that means Iraq or any other terror supporting country). With no challenge several terrorists walked onto our planes, and with simple box cutters....sent this nation to its knees. I prayed that day....not for revenge...not for help...but for the troops that I knew would be placed in harms way to make sure that this would never happen again. I feel for Mrs.Sheehan...I really do. I have 2 sons myself, and would never want to be without them. But to start a movement that is nothing more than a slap in the face of the troops that are doing their jobs is sad. Your son was a grown man that made a decision to server his country. Not a child as you have refer to him so many times. These are not children but great soldiers that need respect for doing their job. If you so hate how the Administration is handling the war...fine! Be creative and address it, you have this right because you dont have to worry about being "Car Bombed" for your veiws. But stop yelling and making a mockery out of this war that secured that right! They will come home....and they will be successful. God bless them all for what they do for this country!


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