The world through Dan's eye's.....

Friday, October 28, 2005

Hanover Halloween parade

This just in....

A stunning set of events unraveled in Hanover on Thursday night...the gays took over. Several floats like the one pictured were found in the annual parade and shocked the local residents. Jebidi Cleetis was quoted as saying "Its out right crazy...dem dar gays are ruin everything"! As the tune to YMCA boomed through the streets...the gays ran amuck! They also were responsible for random acts of fashion and also painted the town square pink in protest. Hanover will never be the same...."the gays are here to stay!" said local gay legend Chester ManLester!

In related news....Gap for Gays and American Crew have opened new stores following the outbreak! Right next to one of the million Hanover banks.


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