The world through Dan's eye's.....

Friday, September 30, 2005

Cut your IT budget in HALF!!! Advertisement...

My name is Chuck McEaty CIO. Last year my company spent over 1.2 million in their IT budget! We had over 6 IT workers and 2 managers. This year we will spend half that. I bet you are wondering how I did that??? Well the answer is simple! I bought all new Dell blade servers with Intel Dual Processors, 1 gig in memory, 6 stacked and clustered units and even a dedicated fiber backbone.............I also ATE my entire staff!!

You.....get in my belly! Check out the jeans on this guy...that's really testin the denim!

New Microsoft OS mp3 player released..Ipod killer??

This just in.....look out Apple!
On the heals of the release of the new Ipod Nano Microsoft has came out with their own nitch in the mp3 market. The new M.S. Macro sent shockwaves through the tech world on late friday. "What a way for Microsoft to enter the MP3 world!" said Haggi Tfolickmanig at the Microsoft lab in India. The new Macro stands over 3 feet high and weighs over 125 pounds. There will be several versions of avalible disk space size, with the largest being just over 6 megs (about 2 songs). There will be no cables, earbuds or even a box included with the purchuse but if you are a Microsoft will feel right at home. Bill Gates was quoted as saying "We here at Microsoft have our hand on the people's pulse, and we know what they want!". There has been rumors that the player also needs to be patched every 3 days to prevent unwated virus from attacking it. They are also planning to change the OS 5 times a year. The new Macro will be retailing for just over $27.000.00 and should be in stores by christmas 2008. I for one have placed my name on the waiting list, I just can't get enough of Microsoft and all it's wonderful technology. I am also selling my Ipod right away! don't speak for me!

Does this war suck? Does the fact that we have been there so long hurt? Does the fact that our military is so thin hinder our at home clean-up efforts? .........YES!

But with that being said lets look at the another side of this story. We committed ourselves to fighting a war on terror years ago on that faithful September morning and there is a price to pay for that (and YES that means Iraq or any other terror supporting country). With no challenge several terrorists walked onto our planes, and with simple box cutters....sent this nation to its knees. I prayed that day....not for revenge...not for help...but for the troops that I knew would be placed in harms way to make sure that this would never happen again. I feel for Mrs.Sheehan...I really do. I have 2 sons myself, and would never want to be without them. But to start a movement that is nothing more than a slap in the face of the troops that are doing their jobs is sad. Your son was a grown man that made a decision to server his country. Not a child as you have refer to him so many times. These are not children but great soldiers that need respect for doing their job. If you so hate how the Administration is handling the war...fine! Be creative and address it, you have this right because you dont have to worry about being "Car Bombed" for your veiws. But stop yelling and making a mockery out of this war that secured that right! They will come home....and they will be successful. God bless them all for what they do for this country!

Big Slick........taken down!

The HPT (Hanover Poker Tour) was in full action last night and in one of the greatest calls in all time Dan(Doc Holiday) Keller called an all-in from Robbie(The Joker) Walter. This is the reason that Big Slick is so scary...listen closely children.

Dan- Ac,9c

Robbie- Ah,Kc

The the flop then comes Js- 9d-2d wow I paired my 9! Here come the turn....9s. Holy shit I have a set! River is a Qs.....and that my fiends is how you make Robbie cry! Dominated hands sometimes find a way! But remember this would have beat me 9 out of 10 time's! Happy birthday and thanks for the cash! :0)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Casual Friday goes bad!

This just in......

In a bizarre event at an upper Maryland business several employees where injured when a man wore Viking gear to work on "Casual Friday". Lothar McStaby was arrest on charges of aggravated macing yesterday. "I saw him come in on horse back, and the next thing I knew he was swinging his mace and boiling oil in his office!" said one of the other employees. There are several suspected reasons linked to the outburst, one theory is that he was so happy to have "Casual Friday" he took it way to far.

Please people remember to keep you Viking gear at home...that means you Billy!

Dan's rant about baseball....

My son has now been playing baseball for over 5 years! That's right, I have gotten him to more than 350 practices and games over the past 5 years! He loves the every way. He watches it faithfully and tries never to miss the Sox play when they are T.V. (His dad is to cheap to buy the MLB package..). Here is where I have a real problem with people like Barry Bonds and Raphael Palmario...they piss me off! Kids all over the country watch these guys and look up to them. They are roll model's in so many ways, but choose to cheat and show these kids that its ok to change your body if you are not good enough. Baseball better get there ass in gear and change the way they look at the substance abuse policy or a black cloud will eat up all the wonderful history that it has! This is where a parent needs to tell there child...don't do what they do...sad,sad,sad! Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio.....

Monday, September 26, 2005

Duct Tape....the Fashion must have this year!

This just in....

In an unreal fashion uprising, the hot new item on the catwalk this duct tape. Billy Joe Raybob was quoted as saying "I havz allot of that stuff and I sure's do likes to wearz it!" This is not just a flash in the pan fad but a real fashion revolution! Several top stars like J-lo and Puff Daddy were reported to have been seen in the Ace hardware store's buying the 3 pack rolls on Sunday night. I for one have place several strips across all of my shirts and even made my own "Got Beer?" tshirt! People if we can't place tape all over ourselves....what good is life?

This was taken by me at the Dover race...look at the guy checkin out his gut...God Bless NASCAR!

Devon tamed the Monster!

Well we just got back from Dover and Devon tamed the Moster Mile! We had a great weekend and spent it cheering for Rusty who came in 3rd with a great run! I sure did have a great time with my little Nascar buddy! He not only got to see Rusty but had Casey Kane wave at him! What a lucky little guy! Next stop......Martinsville!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Puff Daddy makes me angry....

Ok well the other night I am watching TV and Puff Daddy says that he now wants to be called "Diddy" to avoid confusing his fan base. Well I for one am now really confused....

Past names: Puffy, Puff Daddy,P-Diddy, HR Puffin Stuff, Sean John and so on.....

This guy is a real pain in the ass, I mean.. if I did like him (trust me I don't) that would bug the shit out of me. Please join me in the protest of Sean Combs. There needs to be some kind of law that you can't change your name 16 times. Diddy if you are reading this.....please stop the madness!

Friday, September 02, 2005

This just in....Beans kill!

Beans don't kill people......or do they??

A local Hanover area man was arrested yesterday on three counts of involuntary manslaughter. Robert Walter was booked late yesterday at the district court in Hanover township. He is charged also with "ingestion with the intent to deliver" as well. Reports are that Rob ate 6 plates of Bushes baked beans and then went for a car ride with several of his friends. That was that last they were seen. Robby was quoted as saying "Hey.. I like beans and they like me, I am sorry for there loss .....but really, put down a window!" Bail will be set this week and all beans have been removed from his diet until his release. Remember kids......Beans are not a toy...respect them always!

Corona's the lime baby!

This is dedicated to one of the best beers of all time. I will never forget the first time my Uncle brought in a case of Corona. I was about 13 years old and you could not buy it in PA, or even the states for that matter. I thought "wow I will have to steal one of those later tonight". But now it is a very popular beer for sure. So here's to you rock!