The world through Dan's eye's.....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Home improvements...

Well after serveral months of planning Kelly and I have added a new edition to our home. The new front porch shitter will be great for those get-togethers where you don't want to miss a fart! You will see in the picture that we also added the beer holder and cell phone for a more sophisticated feel. If your in town please "drop" by! We will leave the light on!

Top 5 things that scare me.....

#5- Prince.....well this is one that I am not proud of. He just creeps me out. His strange clothing and his need to change his name to the symbol....he scares me badly.

#4- Wife beater t-shirts....I mean...who in there right mind is not scared of these shirts! They make even the biggest dork look like a total bad ass! When I see one coming.....I run.

#3- Midgets....why you ask...I don't really know. But I do know this, they are planning to take over the world and we can't hear them because thay are so much shorter than us. They could steal all our shoes...and what the hell would we do???

#2- Saran Warp....that shit could smother you! I mean really....there is no warning on the box but 5 times I found it wrapped around my head.....oh wait that was aluminum foil...never mind!

#1- Mullets....yes I must have had a very bad experience as a child but for some reason a bad mullet send shivers down my spine! There really needs to be a law about the mullet! I mean COME ON that shit is scary...just look at it. Till this very day I can't watch cops for fear of seeing the trailer park episode!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Back to school....

Well it is that time of year again....back to school. Here are both the boys ready to go! We had to work for several hours to get Jordan away from his baseball bat. And several more to get Devon to put on his shoes and shirt. But once we got them dressed, they cleaned up nicely. Stay tuned for more updates through the year on how they are doing in school.

Monday, August 29, 2005

BBQ Master in training...

This is Bobby Flay....this guy is the ultimate grill master. I have watched all his "Boy Meets Grill" shows on Food Network and I am getting to be a real grill master myself. In the beginning I was a rather shitty cook (Kelly can vouch for that). But for some reason this has been my season! My grill has never cooled off all summer and I don't think that I will stop till mid december! Check out his show...I am sure that it will make you so hungry you might just fire your grill up as well!

Bobby's TV shows:

Hurricane damage...

With the hurricane winding down there will be an unreal amount of cleanup for all the people in the New Orleans area. Please keep them in your prayers they will need it! Also if you have the extra money please find it in your heart to donate a small amount to the American Red Cross. Remember it could be us someday.....

Donate here:

My cold dead hands....

Well I have seen it all! There is now a movement to ban over 30 types of guns IN PA! This comes on the heals of Ed Rendell and his so called "Family Values" tour. You know Ed there is no way in the world that I will let you cater to the heart of your campaign support.....the GHETTO'S of PA. Truth be told you won't be able to hand out that many cigarettes this year pal! Your not taking guns away from the criminals...but honest law abiding citizens! I will give my guns up, when you pry in from my cold-dead-hands! Where has this country gone so wrong...that we forget the reasons our forefathers died for us. The moral backbone of this great country is being painfully pinched by the lowest common denominator in society. Scum like Rendell and his Mafia buddies will find it hard to get any type of ban in this great state....Thanks to people like me! Bring it on ED!

Read more here:

Join the NRA to ensure our rights for generations to come!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Here we go Redsox!!! Update....

Update! We are heading to Boston with a 1 game lead in the Wild Card....what the hell happen to our 5 game lead in the AL East??? Man I am starting to worry...but Jordan tells me it will be OK. And I beleive him!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Mom rocks!

What would this blog be without an area dedicated to the woman who gave me life (please don't hold that against her)! My mom is the best! I never had to worry about having a best friend in life because, I always had one in her. I love my mom! She never gave up on me and never stopped believing in where I could go or what I could be! She also loves my kids and they are lucky to have such a kick ass grandma!

P.S. Mom... Tyke is not a lapdog....but he thinks he is!

I'm your huckleberry.....

Anyone that knows me....knows that I love the movie Tombstone. This part of my blog will be dedicated to the best movie of all time. I have seen this movie no less that 50 times and will watch it 50 more before I die. Val Kilmer (Doc Holiday) played the best role of his career in this flick! There is no doubt that I like this movie way to much! I am also known to my close poker buddies as Doc. I may have his ability to play cards...but... his kick ass attitude I will never have! With that being said....."Let the final ride of Wyatt Earp and his immortals begin!"

This just in!

This just in...we have received the results back from Tyke's dog IQ test, and much to our disappointment he has the IQ of a box of Oreo's...not even the double stuff! We have hope for him though. The doctors said with work he could have the brain power of a lab rat. We still love him though...please send donations to Dogs with no Brain's outreach.

This is my bad dog Tyke...I love that turd!

Cooking with GG.....

I remember it like it was yesterday...the yummy smell of vegi soup coming down the stairs. I can remember in detail things in my childhood, but nothing more clear than my grandma cooking for me. No matter what time of day or night, she always had time to make me a sandwich or soup. It's funny how we forget the little things that made us so happy as a kid. My grandma was the best cook in the world to me...and always will be! GG you are the best grandmother in the world! I will never forget the times that we spent talking and eating your wonderful creations! This blog is dedicated to her wonderful foods. I will be posting some of GG's wonderful dishes! GG I need your help on this one! Send me some recipes!

Your Loving Grandson! Daniel

NEWS FLASH!!! Jeff Gordan to marry Ricky Martin!

After years of speculation the truth has came out...Jeff Gordan is gay! Reports from the Hendricks camp is that Jeff and Ricky plan to marry in New Hampshire and honeymoon in the Caribbean islands! Jeff was quoted as saying "I love Ricky..he loves to shake his bon-bon." There is a real mixed reaction from the garage in Nextel cup due to the fact that Jeff would also like to change his car colors to Pink Panther pink. I for one think that Jeff and Ricky make a wonderful couple! All wedding registry items can be viewed at Pier One.

Think you might be gay?? Take this 100% accurate test, good luck!

Kelly's Corner......

This post is dedicated to my loving wife Kelly. She is the best thing that has happened to me in my life. She keeps my feet on the ground and my head in the sky. Whenever I need a friend...she is always there. She never gets tired of me telling my stories (even when they are about poker)! I am very lucky to have her in my life....thank you for always being there my love!

Your Hubby!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I will miss ya Rusty!

Well an era has come to an end. Rusty is retiring and heading to the back porch to sit and watch the grass grow. Well I don't think that he will be there long .....but I had to make a big decision on who I was going to root for. I will post my pick later this week. But I can tell you this ..its not Kurt Bush...that guy is a big eared freak! I will be sad to see his ears hanging out of the blue duce! Penske is going in the crapper!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Beamer...the other white meat!

This is my other baby! I looked for a long time till I found her, but thanks to my good buddy Ralph...she is sleeping at the Keller household. Now those of you that know me can attest to the fact that I love BMW's. I have had 3 of them now and each one I about cried when they left. But I like my new baby for sure. She has the M3 leather package and sport tune suspension...she corners on rails! I think that I am going to register her with the BMW Auto if I just keep her clean!

My Daddy and the little girl!

This post is for my dad! He has not been feeling very well the past few days. I haven't seen him hold a little girl like that in allot of years! I wish that we had more time in life. We could spend it fishing and giving each other a hard time about something! I owe my quick whit and fast responses to my dad (so thank him)! Hope you are feeling better dad! I love you!

Your Son...Danny!

Poker Crew! UPDATE!!!

Team Hanover shows strong in the summer season World Tavern Poker Tour!

This just in! We got our asses kicked in the championship game. There are several of us that made it to the next level.......that is the "Lets drink till we forget our bad beats" level. Anyway congrats to all who were in team HTP!

Hanover Poker Tour!

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Jordan Update!!

This just in....Jordan is playing fall ball for Southwestern School. His practices are going well...and he even had a triple the other day. He will start playing games in about 2 weeks. Here he is on the plane to heading home from Maine. He wished that he could stay just to watch NESN (New England Sports Network). They had the Sox on all the time!


Grand Champion!!!

Yes I am the 1st ever Winkler Poker Champ! We had a awesome time at my buddy Mike's 3oth birthday party. His wife did a wonderful job on a Casino style party and even had a trophy for the winner of the main event. Well as the post says I fought off several of the finest poker players on the coast, to emerge as Grand champion! I will now make a home right next to my bed to display my accomplishment forever! LMAO just kidding Mike...what a fun time!

The Keller Crew......

Well here they are. The next generation of Keller's. I think that Abbie has her work cut out for her! Those are allot of protective guys that will be keeping an eye out for her! I planned it that way for a reason!

Attack of the Gerber babies....

Babies here and babies there....this is Abbie and Natalie. I think that they are figuring out how to get up together and kick our butts!

Daddy's lil angle!!!

This is my girl! Yes... she is laying on a Redskins blanket...I sure did not want her throwing-up on a Cowboys one! We went to visit our BEST friends Josh and Andrea in Maine and had a great time. We learned allot while we were ya the bugs suck!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Great web site!

Although I don't agree with everything that Charlie says....he is pretty darn close! You have to love a guy that calls it the way it is, no political correctness or catering to one group or another. Sometime we need guys like this in the world to show us just how crazy things get, and what we come to accept as "everyday stuff". I for one enjoy listening to a man that is not afraid to speak his opinion (even if its not mine). Charlie if the devil did go down to Georgia, and butted heads with doubt sir...... you would win!
I will add this to the links when I get time....

The Devon Report!!

Well here he is...the DevDog! He had a great summer so far and is looking forward to going back to school. He is going to be playing basketball next year for the first time...and I think he is going to be good! He is really a big helper around the house as well! I think that Devon may be following in his dads profession of computer science!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Stop blaming Bush!

If you are one that thinks politics and family don't mix......skip this thread! As everyone knows I am a bit of a political creature, and we all should be. Here is one that hits close to home. I am a I.T. guy and I battle everyday to fight Spam, Phishing and Viruses that come over the network. Its about time someone steps up to make these jerks pay! The first major case was just settled to the tune of 7.9 million dollars! P.S. "Don't mess with Texas!"

President Bush Signs Anti-Spam Law

On December 16, 2003, President Bush signed into law the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM Act), which establishes a framework of administrative, civil, and criminal tools to help America's consumers, businesses, and families combat unsolicited commercial e-mail, known as spam.......

Read it all here: