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It came to me one morning on my drive to work that Beavis and Butthead could have shaped my view's today!For years physiology professionals have been stating that "kids watch, relate to, and understand T.V.". If this holds true....Beavis and butthead may have been involved in raising an entire generation! Case in point....The other day I was in a business meeting and my boss (and good friend) refered to the words "Duty cycle"...I could not help myself from snickering and going "you said duty"....huhuhuuuuhuuuhu...still think I am full of crap? Well here are some words I put together and you tell me what comes into your mind...(this test is for the younger crew only!)
Ballcock, Handbay, Beaver pond, Ball washer, Dictate, and foot long. See what I mean! Beavis and Butthead taught us we can laugh at everyday items...and feel good about life....they also taught us a shit load of bad stuff as well (but lets overlook that).
Huhuhuuuuhuhu.....I said Beaver pond.....
This just in....
A stunning set of events unraveled in Hanover on Thursday night...the gays took over. Several floats like the one pictured were found in the annual parade and shocked the local residents. Jebidi Cleetis was quoted as saying "Its out right crazy...dem dar gays are ruin everything"! As the tune to YMCA boomed through the streets...the gays ran amuck! They also were responsible for random acts of fashion and also painted the town square pink in protest. Hanover will never be the same...."the gays are here to stay!" said local gay legend Chester ManLester!
In related news....Gap for Gays and American Crew have opened new stores following the outbreak! Right next to one of the million Hanover banks.
This just in.......
It was supposed to be a long overdue and fun hunting trip....that turned into tragedy. Josh Penn was seriously injured when he was attacked be several angry deer over the weekend. There are several reports on why the deer attached him, but the main reason is that he was covered in his own urine after he fell asleep and pissed his pants. "I looked up and saw Josh being attacked by dem der deers and one even eating his damn lunch!" said Cleetis Mcshooty who was along on the trip. Josh was listed in serious condition from his injuries. I for one think that the deer smelled fear....and attacked! Please don't let this happen to you!
Good luck on your trip Josh.....and don't let them smell fear!
I was reading the news last night....which I do everyday. I came across something that scared the hell out of me. The United Nations is seizing control of the internet from the U.S.A. I know what you are thinking...."we don't own the internet, do we?".....YES WE DO! The underlying infrastructure of the internet is stored and housed here in the States. Read all about it here:
The U.N. has let this entire world down...(that's another post in itself) so many times. I for one don't want them involved in anything that is related to the United States. I surely hope that we fight this..... and fight it HARD or freedom of speach will monitored and controlled...not by the U.S. but the unrelaible, worthless, corrupt, and needless U.N.!
Oh ya here is the list of countries that could be watching you tomorrow...Brazil, China, Cuba, Iran and several African states.....SCARY!
Does this war suck? Does the fact that we have been there so long hurt? Does the fact that our military is so thin hinder our at home clean-up efforts? .........YES!
But with that being said lets look at the another side of this story. We committed ourselves to fighting a war on terror years ago on that faithful September morning and there is a price to pay for that (and YES that means Iraq or any other terror supporting country). With no challenge several terrorists walked onto our planes, and with simple box cutters....sent this nation to its knees. I prayed that day....not for revenge...not for help...but for the troops that I knew would be placed in harms way to make sure that this would never happen again. I feel for Mrs.Sheehan...I really do. I have 2 sons myself, and would never want to be without them. But to start a movement that is nothing more than a slap in the face of the troops that are doing their jobs is sad. Your son was a grown man that made a decision to server his country. Not a child as you have refer to him so many times. These are not children but great soldiers that need respect for doing their job. If you so hate how the Administration is handling the war...fine! Be creative and address it, you have this right because you dont have to worry about being "Car Bombed" for your veiws. But stop yelling and making a mockery out of this war that secured that right! They will come home....and they will be successful. God bless them all for what they do for this country!
The HPT (Hanover Poker Tour) was in full action last night and in one of the greatest calls in all time Dan(Doc Holiday) Keller called an all-in from Robbie(The Joker) Walter. This is the reason that Big Slick is so scary...listen closely children.
Dan- Ac,9c
Robbie- Ah,Kc
The the flop then comes Js- 9d-2d wow I paired my 9! Here come the turn....9s. Holy shit I have a set! River is a Qs.....and that my fiends is how you make Robbie cry! Dominated hands sometimes find a way! But remember this Rob.....you would have beat me 9 out of 10 time's! Happy birthday and thanks for the cash! :0)
Ok well the other night I am watching TV and Puff Daddy says that he now wants to be called "Diddy" to avoid confusing his fan base. Well I for one am now really confused....
Past names: Puffy, Puff Daddy,P-Diddy, HR Puffin Stuff, Sean John and so on.....
This guy is a real pain in the ass, I mean.. if I did like him (trust me I don't) that would bug the shit out of me. Please join me in the protest of Sean Combs. There needs to be some kind of law that you can't change your name 16 times. Diddy if you are reading this.....please stop the madness!
Beans don't kill people......or do they??
A local Hanover area man was arrested yesterday on three counts of involuntary manslaughter. Robert Walter was booked late yesterday at the district court in Hanover township. He is charged also with "ingestion with the intent to deliver" as well. Reports are that Rob ate 6 plates of Bushes baked beans and then went for a car ride with several of his friends. That was that last they were seen. Robby was quoted as saying "Hey.. I like beans and they like me, I am sorry for there loss .....but really, put down a window!" Bail will be set this week and all beans have been removed from his diet until his release. Remember kids......Beans are not a toy...respect them always!
#4- Wife beater t-shirts....I mean...who in there right mind is not scared of these shirts! They make even the biggest dork look like a total bad ass! When I see one coming.....I run.
#3- Midgets....why you ask...I don't really know. But I do know this, they are planning to take over the world and we can't hear them because thay are so much shorter than us. They could steal all our shoes...and what the hell would we do???
#2- Saran Warp....that shit could smother you! I mean really....there is no warning on the box but 5 times I found it wrapped around my head.....oh wait that was aluminum foil...never mind!
#1- Mullets....yes I must have had a very bad experience as a child but for some reason a bad mullet send shivers down my spine! There really needs to be a law about the mullet! I mean COME ON that shit is scary...just look at it. Till this very day I can't watch cops for fear of seeing the trailer park episode!
This is Bobby Flay....this guy is the ultimate grill master. I have watched all his "Boy Meets Grill" shows on Food Network and I am getting to be a real grill master myself. In the beginning I was a rather shitty cook (Kelly can vouch for that). But for some reason this has been my season! My grill has never cooled off all summer and I don't think that I will stop till mid december! Check out his show...I am sure that it will make you so hungry you might just fire your grill up as well!
Bobby's TV shows:
With the hurricane winding down there will be an unreal amount of cleanup for all the people in the New Orleans area. Please keep them in your prayers they will need it! Also if you have the extra money please find it in your heart to donate a small amount to the American Red Cross. Remember it could be us someday.....
Donate here:
This is my bad dog Tyke...I love that turd!
Team Hanover shows strong in the summer season World Tavern Poker Tour!
This just in! We got our asses kicked in the championship game. There are several of us that made it to the next level.......that is the "Lets drink till we forget our bad beats" level. Anyway congrats to all who were in team HTP!
Hanover Poker Tour!